ASECAP, with offices in 1040 Brussels (Belgium), Rue Guimard, 15, entreprise number 0850.985.948, is controlling and processing the personal data collected and used through its websites. The data are mainly collected through online forms, e-mails, correspondance, during events, etc.

ASECAP collects and processes personal data such as : names, e-mails, electronic data, social and professional data, video, pictures, etc. It does not collect any sensitive data. The data are collected and processed by ASECAP for performing its activities and services, for HR management, provider’s management, online services and data base management, analytics, corporation strategy, financial purposes and internal direct marketing.

By using ASECAP websites, you fully agree to ASECAP personal data collecting and processing as described in this Privacy Policy. The personal data collecting and processing are also based on the legitimate interests of ASECAP to be able to perform its corporate purpose and activities.

The personal data are mainly aimed for internal use. They may be transferred to partners, providers or other representatives, such as technical providers (web hosting, webmaster, union members, social medias) but the data will not be transferred to them or other third parties for direct marketing purposes.

Under the current privacy and persona data protection regulations, as individual, you have the rights to access your data, to correct them, to erasure them, to limited processing, to portability, to object the processing based on ASECAP legitimate interest, and the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority in case of infringement.

Your personal data will be saved only for the reasonable time needed to meet the mentioned purposes.